Introduction to Filial Therapy -RETIRED but may be Brought back 2022
Filial Therapy
Filial therapy is an educative treatment approach where principles of non-directive play therapy are taught to and practiced by, the parents. The parents first learn and practice non-directive play therapy through the use of role-playing and videos. They are given homework assignments to practice play therapy with their children where they follow the lead and cues of their child. Their practice play sessions are video-taped and then viewed and discussed with the trainer or within a parent therapy group. When the trainer feels a parent has achieved reasonable success she/he guides the parents to continue play sessions at home with their child. Filial therapy is a brief treatment approach (10-14 sessions), is applicable to a variety of client populations, and has proven to be effective for enhancing parent/child relationships.
Learning Outcomes:
1) Identify the principles underlying filial therapy
2) Explain the rational for involving parents in the playtherapy process
3) Describe the sequence of filial therapy sessions from beginning to end of treatment
4) Describe how to train, supervise and support parents