2024 Play Therapy with Adults August 8

Overview Although Play Therapy has been recognized as an effective approach with children, few practitioners may be aware that adults can benefit from this approach too. Play Therapy assumes that clients of all ages remain child-like within their internal processes and that everyone can benefit from nonverbal self-expression. Play Therapy interventions can allow adults to… Continue reading 2024 Play Therapy with Adults August 8

2024 Ethical Practice in a Play Therapy Setting May 9

Overview: This will be an introduction into ethics and a review of ethical decision making models in a Play Therapy setting. The CACPT Code of Ethics will be a pivotal component to this workshop, observing the child-therapist relationships, play therapy case reporting, ethical considerations such as confidentiality, dual relationships in play therapy. Standards of practice… Continue reading 2024 Ethical Practice in a Play Therapy Setting May 9

2024 Assessment & Treatment Planning in a Play Therapy Context May 10

Overview This workshop will outline a directive play therapy model for assessing children and families. Creative engagement and assessment activities will be presented. Participants will learn how to translate assessment information into a treatment plan, and guidelines for report writing will be discussed. Participants will receive a packet of assessment activities that they can use… Continue reading 2024 Assessment & Treatment Planning in a Play Therapy Context May 10

2024 Play Therapy for Children and Families – Coping with Loss August 12-13

Overview When children and adolescents enter therapy due to a significant loss, they are at a very vulnerable time in their lives. They are often anxious about the therapeutic process and reluctant or unable to talk directly about painful feelings. Therapy that is engaging and play-based can facilitate their expression of grief and loss. This… Continue reading 2024 Play Therapy for Children and Families – Coping with Loss August 12-13

2024 Non-Directive Play Therapy and Filial Therapy May 14-15

Overview  Non-Directive Play Therapy is the most prominent model of play therapy. Child-centered play therapy was developed by Virginia Axline based on the principles Client-Centered Therapy by Carl Rogers. Its premise is that if a therapist creates a safe therapeutic environment a child will initiate the therapeutic work they need to do to resolve presenting… Continue reading 2024 Non-Directive Play Therapy and Filial Therapy May 14-15

2024 Art Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting – August 15

Overview: Art Therapy is a therapeutic process that uses art as an intervention to effectively work with children, teens and adults to address numerous issues. Art Therapy is integral to play therapy theory and associated models. Art Therapy can be utilized with individuals, groups, couples or families within private practice, hospitals, schools, centres, outreach, outpatient, etc.… Continue reading 2024 Art Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting – August 15

2024 Attachment Theory and Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting May 16

Overview: Attachment theory and practice within the play therapy models is pivotal and integral to the healing of children with developmental trauma. This course will review attachment theory and introduce students to effective models for treating children with developmental trauma through play therapy and attachment focused therapy, including: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Theraplay Circle of Security… Continue reading 2024 Attachment Theory and Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting May 16