2024 Non-Directive Play Therapy and Filial Therapy May 14-15

Overview  Non-Directive Play Therapy is the most prominent model of play therapy. Child-centered play therapy was developed by Virginia Axline based on the principles Client-Centered Therapy by Carl Rogers. Its premise is that if a therapist creates a safe therapeutic environment a child will initiate the therapeutic work they need to do to resolve presenting… Continue reading 2024 Non-Directive Play Therapy and Filial Therapy May 14-15

2024 Art Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting – August 15

Overview: Art Therapy is a therapeutic process that uses art as an intervention to effectively work with children, teens and adults to address numerous issues. Art Therapy is integral to play therapy theory and associated models. Art Therapy can be utilized with individuals, groups, couples or families within private practice, hospitals, schools, centres, outreach, outpatient, etc.… Continue reading 2024 Art Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting – August 15

2024 Attachment Theory and Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting May 16

Overview: Attachment theory and practice within the play therapy models is pivotal and integral to the healing of children with developmental trauma. This course will review attachment theory and introduce students to effective models for treating children with developmental trauma through play therapy and attachment focused therapy, including: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Theraplay Circle of Security… Continue reading 2024 Attachment Theory and Therapy in a Play Therapy Setting May 16

2024 Vicarious Trauma and Self Care in a PT Environment August 16

Overview This course will provide an overview of Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, and Resiliency during the practice of play therapy. The importance of self-care in applying various play therapy models and care will be highlighted and participants will explore creative modalities for developing an individual self-care program.

2024 Theraplay as a Play Therapy Model May 17

Overview: Theraplay is a dynamic and effective short-term approach to treating children’s emotional, social and behavioural problems. Based on the intimacy and physical interplay that characterize normal relationships between parent and child, Theraplay as a play therapy technique uses structured play to enhance healthy attachment, selfregulation and to promote the child’s self-esteem, competence and trust… Continue reading 2024 Theraplay as a Play Therapy Model May 17

2024 Brain Research and Child Dev. in a Play Therapy Setting June 12

Overview: This one day course explores current theories and research on brain development with a focus on common presenting problems encountered by play therapists, such as attachment problems, neglect and trauma exposure. This course will investigate the influence of “play” on the brain and consequently the “healing of children” within all models of play therapy. This overview of the… Continue reading 2024 Brain Research and Child Dev. in a Play Therapy Setting June 12

2024 Understanding Traumatized Children and Applying Play Therapy Tools in the Treatment of Trauma in Children June 13-14

Overview: Many children and adolescents are referred for therapy because they have experienced a traumatic event or a series of events. This workshop will define the various types of trauma including complex trauma and other disorders that may be trauma-based. It will provide an overview of trauma symptoms across the lifespan emphasizing the types of… Continue reading 2024 Understanding Traumatized Children and Applying Play Therapy Tools in the Treatment of Trauma in Children June 13-14