12 2025 Creating an Inclusive and Culturally Competent PT Practice June 16





Anti-oppressive practice, cultural competence, cultural humility and the integration of these in
the provision of play therapy services is an essential element of working with culturally diverse
children and families. The principals that inform this include a number of facets related to
identity and experiences of relative power and privilege. One facet, and perhaps a starting
place, is self-reflection: acknowledging privilege and the benefits that affords. Another facet is
responsibility: taking responsibility for the historical injustices that have resulted from
unearned privilege. A third facet is receptivity: seeking and remaining open to feedback from
oppressed and marginalized groups and individuals about how to better understand and more
sensitively respond to their experiences of oppression and marginalization, both historical and
ongoing. And yet another facet is action: putting into action an ongoing process of reflection,
responsibility and receptivity that supports a clinical response that is built on social justice
principles and practices.

This one-day course will engage participants in: activities of self-reflection and sharing; didactic
teaching and audio-visual material that explore historical and current social justice issues;
group activities to support openness and discussion and practical suggestions about how to put
this into action in the practice of play therapy.

13 Inclusive


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